Alfafara brings together more than 40 hikers for the autumn edition of the Vuelta a la Mariola
La Vuelta a la Mariola made a stop last Saturday in Alfafara to show the Pantanet and the Arena Caves. Forty five people toured the more than 5 kilometers of the route that connects the urban area with this natural area, located north of the municipal area.
The tour started from the Plaza de España, in front of the Town Hall, to continue along the old Xitxarra train, and parallel to the ravine, until reaching the Pantanet river. Then, the road took the participants to the mill, a construction located near the river, which dates from the seventeenth century and served to grind the grain. A path led the attendants to the top of the Pantanet where they stopped for lunch.
Behind the recess, the march was resumed until the Cuevas de la Arena. The hikers knew these caves of clay soil, of which it is unknown what was its utility as well as the construction, although it is thought that they were formed by the erosion of wind and water.
The walk continued through the fields of Carbonell, passing through the Solana and on the way, again, back to the village. This was the completion of another fall edition of the Vuelta a la Mariola, organized by the Serra de Mariola association and the Alfafara City Council, which will permetrate visitors – coming from Alicante, Alcoi or Bocairent – to discover this natural heritage Alfafarenc.